Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 103 and Inner Speech

So last Saturday, I went to a child care class based on Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline program. I've attended classes on it before and just find the information fascinating. It's great for working with children, but really applies to all areas of your life. The thing I've been thinking about the most this week is my "inner speech". You know those things we say to ourselves when we make a mistake? Like "I'm so dumb" or "I'm such a pig" or "I'm so fat", etc. The things we say to and in front of our children becomes their inner speech. So because I have said that kind of stuff about myself being stupid or fat, Natasha tends to say that now. It's heartbreaking! I have to rewrite my inner speech to be kinder to myself. I can do that by reminding myself that "everyone makes mistakes, I can try again. I can do it next time", etc. I have already been really trying to do that on this journey. Instead of berating myself when I make a mistake, I take a deep breath and try again.

Part of the problem with being so hard on myself is that I also tend to be very hard and impatient with others. Sometimes I think that if God was as rude and impatient with me as I am with everyone else, he'd have swatted me like a bug a long time ago.

What kind of inner speech do you have? Are you kind to yourself and remind yourself that we all make mistakes? Or do you berate yourself and make yourself crazy with every mistake that you make? Think about it! Maybe it's time to rewrite your inner speech too!

1 comment:

Mom Thumb said...

I don't want to make mistakes and feel stupid, so I tend to not venture into something unless I'm pretty sure I'm going to be good at it. So I don't go out of my comfort zone much, and I think life would be more exciting if I did. I need some elan!