Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 106 and Frustrating Day

So when I got the mail on Friday, I had a "nasty-gram" from the urgent care clinic in Enid saying that I owed them money. Well, I knew I had sent a payment back at the end of March, but it was too late to do anything about it Friday. So I called the bank this morning because I had done it as an online bill pay where they send the payment, just to make sure that the payment had cleared and was not lost in the mail or something. It had cleared the bank on April 4th. So I called the billing office, thinking it will be no big deal, and it will be taken care of. Well, turns out they credited it to another doctor's office account from June of 06 and they don't think they can move it to the right one. They also say that I still owe $64.xx to this other Dr. office. The weird thing is, I had just paid off the bill that I had from them too, and it had only been $79.20. I never did really get a straight answer out of anyone. But the bottom line is, that now I still owe Urgent Care $60ish and probably owe the other Dr's office $64ish. It was very upsetting and frustrating. The lady I spoke to said that if the earlier account had gone into collection, it would have been taken off the statement? That does not make any sense to me. Plus I never got a collection letter about it.

Then to top my morning off, one of the credit card companies for one of Tom's credit cards calls. He says they got the payment and wants to know what our "intentions" are. I said that our intentions were outlined in the letter that came with the payment. Big surprise, they have no record of any correspondence with the payment. Yeah right. Anyway, the least they will accept is $100 a month and only if we set it up on auto-draft. I have to talk it over with Tom. Dave Ramsey says to never give a collector access to your account.

So I'm feeling a little down and frustrated and sorry for myself today.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it! Anything should be better than nothing! And I still cannot figure out where the competent people work, because it is not at any Dr.'s office, insurance company or technical assistance line! Everyone seems to want a paycheck, but nobody actually cares about their job these days! Well, I will get off of my soapbox now! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yea I agree with mom. I know Ryan had to set up bank drafts with the credit card companies to pay off his. I know its scary to let them have that access but by doing it they worked with him and saved him hundreds in finance charges etc so it was worth it.

Mom Thumb said...

My sister and her husband had about $60,000 in debt. After a certain number of years, some kind of weird law kicked in and they ended up not having to pay anymore. She was ecstatic that they had 'beat the system.' I was disgusted. I know it's hard, and it's got to be terribly frustrating, but you have no idea how much I admire you and Tom for taking this on. It's very admirable.

Mom Thumb said...

I guess I should qualify that last statement by saying that my sister got into debt by going to Europe, buying things they didn't need, and she and her bff going on two to three vacations a year because they needed to 'get away from the kids.' It's not the debt that disgusts me, it's the idiocy. :-)