Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 50 and Less than Inspired

I realize with being sick last week and being snowed under with homework that my blog postings have been less than inspired lately. I finally seem to be somewhere close to normal again so hopefully I can get back to writing better posts.

Yesterday at church, we had a guest speaker. He taught from Isaiah and the story where Isaiah gets his commission from God. Isaiah answers "Here I am, send me". Then this morning, I was reading a story in the Baptist Messenger about a man from El Salvador who felt God call him 3 different times for the ministry and the first two times, he ignored God. The third time, he was on a guerrilla hit list and finally obeyed God. Now he's in Oklahoma planting churches in Hispanic communities. That got me to thinking about how often I ignore God when I feel he's calling me to do something. For a long time, I ignored God's call to start going to church again. I regret that now so much, I lost so much time that I cannot ever get back. I'm sure there are other things where I've ignored or not heard God's call. Hopefully I can be a better listener now.

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