Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 72 and wow! That was fast!

I went to get the mail yesterday and we already had a check from our insurance company for the damage from the leaking roof. We have talked to a man from our church who is supposed to come out and give us an idea on the cost to repair. He did a repair at the church where there was a leak and you can't even tell where the leak was. It looks great! I am not sure how we'll work it with my business in the home, but I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Our tax refund is scheduled to come this week and so we may be able to get some more stuff paid off and hopefully be able to start tackling some of that bigger stuff. I was looking at our list this morning of what we've paid off and what we still have to go. I realize we have a long ways to go, but I can't express how good it feels to be actually making progress! It looks great to see so many of the bills marked as paid. I actually look forward to doing the budget for April. I've already started it a little bit.

One of the things that Dave mentioned in one of his classes was a lady who enlarged her debt snowball list, and hung it on the refrigerator as a visual reminder. I think I'm going to hang our list up too. It makes me smile to look at it and see the progress we've made.


Mom Thumb said...

Ooh, do that refrigerator thing! I have a picture of our dear friends' son, who is in Iraq, on the fridge, and I see it everytime I open the door (which is a lot, it's the FRIDGE!) and a prayer goes up for him every time. It's quite powerful seeing something so many times a day!

KiddoKare1 said...

LOL, Linda. I printed two off, put one on the fridge and another on our bedroom wall.