Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 44 and Being sick is BAD for the budget!

Well, now that I'm finally coming out of my sickness fog, I've had to face that being sick (especially Tom & I both at the same time) is horrible for our budget. There was the money for the Urgent Care visit, the medicines (for both Tom & I), eating out Saturday (which was already planned), eating out Sunday (which was not). I would guess that we spent at least $100 in unplanned purchases this weekend. Oh, and we still don't know what is going on with Tom's car, which means he is still driving my van. This would normally be a point where I might throw up my hands and give up. However, that is not going to happen this time. I will work up March's budget and we'll get back on track.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome that you realize to just take it and go on. You will be so happy you did! Glad u are starting to feel better.

Anonymous said...

Do NOT give up! You know that "life happens" and you just have to roll with the punches! Well, I used up my quota of cliches for the day.....LOL. Seriously, you will always have sickness and breakdowns,etc.to deal with, and that is exactly what the emergency fund is for. I know it is awful to use it before you even get to your goal, but it will probably always be going up and down and up and down!

Mom Thumb said...

You've worked hard at that EF for just such an occasion. It's great that you are staying committed while feeling like crap. Hope you guys get better soon!

KiddoKare1 said...

Thanks everyone!