Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 16 and Late Fees (aka "Stupid Tax")

Tom & I had our "budget meeting" last night and talked about the February budget. I had done the best I could, but of course since I don't know how much some bills will be (like electric), I just had to wing it on those. I just have to keep reminding myself that it won't work right away. One thing we definitely agreed on, we need to get to where we pay all of our bills on time and quit paying late fees! I don't know how much we waste a month on that, but I'm guessing it's significant. Just off the top of my head, I know we've paid $20.50 late fees on our car payments, $10 late fees on our house payments, and 10% of the total on our electric bills. So that's an average of at least $45-$50 a month just on those three bills. The electric one especially can get you when it's summertime and you have a high bill! Dave Ramsey would call that (and the courtesy pay fees that I spoke of the other day) "Stupid Tax". Goodness knows we've paid a lot of it! So part of our plan for February is to work on getting those bills caught up and paid on time so that we can quit paying Stupid Tax. We've already got the house payment caught up, our next payment is due this week and we'll be paying it when I get paid on Friday.

I got the Christmas club account papers notarized, now I just need to make copies of our i.d.'s to send in with it and we'll be getting that set up and ready to go.

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