Sunday, April 15, 2012

The nudging of the Holy Spirit

For the last few days, the Holy Spirit has really been talking to my heart about my attitude and feelings towards a certain person in my life. And I mean, this message has been everywhere. In my devotional two different mornings.

Proverbs 15:1: A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Ephesians 4:2: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

In our club meeting on Tuesday night, where both the devotional and the lesson were about our attitudes and not letting other people ruin them or affect them.

And in a book I've been reading: "Give God a Year, Change your Life Forever", the author speaks of treating each other with the mercy and kindness we want to be treated with. (OUCH! That one hurt!)

If I make a mistake, do I want others to forgive me and have mercy on me? Of course I do. Do I want others to have patience with me and be kind to me? Of course I do! Would Jesus dread the thought of talking to or seeing someone? Of course he wouldn't.

There is another person in my life who has annoyed me for years. A few weeks ago, I began praying in earnest for this person and for my attitude towards her. It has helped me to see her in a totally different light. Now I am going to do this with this other person in my life.

I truly want to be an effective witness for Christ in my life and I can't do that if my attitude towards even one person stinks. So for those of you who know who this person is that I am referring to, you now have my permission to hold me accountable for my attitude towards that person! :)


Di said...

Okay! You got it! LOL I know how hard it is to deal with her. You just have to look at the positives like I try to do, and ignore the negatives. (As hard as that is to do! :)

Unknown said...

That is hard to pray for someone that annoys you!!

KiddoKare1 said...

Thanks Di. And yes it is, Brenda. But it's hard to be annoyed at someone when you're praying for them.