Saturday, May 22, 2010

2 Years & 128 Days and Another Year Older

So today I am 44 years old. For the most part, getting older does not bother me. At least that's what I tell myself. LOL. But it does make me stop and think. I wonder, "shouldn't my life be more in order than this?". But then I look around and realize, well, that's just life. It's not orderly or perfect, it's just life. Real life is real messy. There's up and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad days. I am grateful to be 44 years old today. I am thankful to have a wonderful husband, three wonderful children, terrific friends, and an exciting (sometimes too exciting) and fulfilling career. But most of all, I am thankful to know that Jesus loves me and that God made me who I am, warts and all. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend, everyone!


Di said...

Have a wonderful birthday!

Denise Ryan said...

Great post!! And happy belated bithday!!! And you're right - you're exactly where you're supposed to be (but I turned 45 this year - and I'm with you - it seems kind of old!). : )

KiddoKare1 said...

Thanks Di, I did have a wonderful birthday. Thanks Denise!