Friday, April 30, 2010

2 Years and 106 Days and Date with my Sweetie tonight

Tom and I are going on a date tonight! I cannot wait. We're going to try out Napoli's in Enid, maybe visit a couple of thrift stores if we have time, go by Hasting's, and mainly just enjoy each other's company. I'm excited! One of my biggest regrets from when the kids were younger is that we didn't go on more dates. Of course, finances were (and are, LOL) always an issue, but we should have made it more of a priority. Oh well, no sense dwelling on the past. The thing is, I always thought when the kids got older, we'd go out more, but that hasn't been the case. So now we're trying to make it a priority to get out alone and spend time together.

Another busy weekend is in the works. We hope to go to our great-niece's soccer game tomorrow, celebrating our friend's graduation from NOC, grocery shopping, and I have some projects around the house I'm working on. All that to say that I probably will not get a chance to post again until Monday. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Di said...

Have a great time! Mandy and I tried Napoli's a couple of years ago. It was really good. Danny is not a big Pasta person, so we have never went. He doesn't even like Olive Garden. :(

Mom Thumb said...

I really like Napoli's, Jess and I go to lunch there once in awhile. Hope you have a great date night, sounds like fun!

Jessica said...

I love Napoli's. We went on a date night there just last week for my birthday... Husband doesn't care for pasta so he had pizza and beer lol. I, on the other hand, who grew up in Dallas... I had something unpronounceable that was basically chicken and veggies and noodles in a white wine cream sauce. And it was good. Have fun on your date night, and remember, even when you've been married for years, sometimes you need to go on a date to restore your marriage and your sanity.

KiddoKare1 said...

Thanks Di. I'm looking forward to it. Oh wow, I LOVE Olive Garden! Linda, thanks. It's good to hear that people like it. Jessica, you are right, it is very important!