Monday, January 18, 2010

2 Years & Days 3 and 4: I love binder clips

Last month, I washed our shower curtain liner. Apparently, the dirt and grime were the only things holding it together and it fell apart in the washer. LOL. So I had Tom stop at Dollar General and get another one. Within days, one of the holes had ripped out, and pretty soon the next one too. I was annoyed. I didn't want to have to buy another shower curtain liner so soon, but at the rate they were ripping out, I didn't think this one was going to last. Then Tom came up with the idea to use a bobby pin to hold it together. That wasn't strong enough to hold, BUT it gave me the idea to try binder clips. I love binder clips, they're so multi-functional-not just for clipping paper. LOL. Anyway, they seem to be working very well so far. So we get to use our new shower curtain liner for a while longer. YEAH!


Anonymous said...

I have a single-hole punch that I use to make new holes in shower curtain liners when the original holes tear. Works great and extends the life of the liner. Just found your blog it!

KiddoKare1 said...

That's a great idea! Thanks! And thank you for visiting the blog!