Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 354 and sharing my goals, part 1

Ok, here we go on sharing my goals for the new year. I'll list the goal and then I'll list some specific ways that I'm going to work towards meeting that goal (mini-goals).

Goal #1: Continue our journey towards financial peace.
A. Each month, do a budget and have a budget committee meeting BEFORE the end of the preceding month.
B. Decide at the budget meeting how many times we will eat out in the upcoming month and stick to it!
C. Continue with the blog, it keeps us accountable. Part of doing the blog is to share our positive stuff and our failures/struggles.
D. Brainstorm ways to rebuild the baby EF (again! LOL).
E. In order to avoid eating out (other than pre-scheduled times), plan menus. To go along with this, have some "easy" foods available for those days when nothing goes right and we just need something easy to throw together.

That is all I can think of for this goal right now. If I think of more, I'll come back and add it (and let you know on that day's post). Tomorrow, we'll discuss goal #2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those all sound like very reasonable and achievable goals! Keep up all the good work!