Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 329 and random thoughts

This is my last week of classes until January. I am done with all of my assignments except those questions. They are scaring and overwhelming me so bad that I can't hardly bring myself to work on them. I have to though. The sooner I get them done, the sooner I get a break, right? In that Ecology and Evolution class, the final paper is worth 40% of my grade. I got it finished up and submitted and got 200/200 on the final portion for 394/400 on the whole paper. So I'm feeling good about that. Now if I could just get myself going on these questions!

For my Road Trip of the Mind class, the papers in there have all been very deep soul searching papers that have really been hard to write. Good for me to do, but hard to write. I want to continue that kind of writing after I finish the class because it has really helped me to work through some stuff.

I'm interested in an update on people's Christmas shopping progress. Tom got his sick leave check on Friday. It was exactly enough to put aside the kid's money for Christmas, so that's taken care of. I've still got to get some little stocking stuffers though. What they do at Tom's job is that once they get a certain amount of hours of sick leave built up, they refund the extra at the end of the year. Tom had two days worth this year which always helps a bit on the Christmas shopping.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Today I plan to pull all the Christmas gifts out of the closet and see how much I have left to do. I have been buying so long to be honest I kind of lost track lol

Mom Thumb said...

I have to do what Mandy is doing. My fear is that I won't have as much stuff for the future daughter-in-law as for Curtis and Jessica. I just pick up stuff for them all year because I know what they like. It was tougher for Christina and I don't want her to feel shorted.

KiddoKare1 said...

In case anyone's wondering, the deleted comment was spam.

Mandy & Linda, I need to do the same thing. Pull out what I've bought and organize it. Then I can see where I'm at and what I have left to do.