Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Days 601, 602, & 603 and REALLY?

Tom's car has had kind of a weird wobble to it, so he took it to get the tires checked this morning. We were thinking it needed new front tires. Well it does, but it also needs new ball joints. Naturally. I guess I better follow my own advice from Saturday and get to praying and reading my Bible.

Speaking of prayers, one of my little child care boys is sick and in the hospital. Please keep him and his family in prayers.


Anonymous said...

Man no one in the family can catch a break lately!! =( stay strong! After destruction comes beautiful rebuilding =) don't let all these bad things get you down, soon it'll get better...

[ love the redesign, by the way! ]

KiddoKare1 said...

Thanks Hiley, and I hope you're right about things getting better.