Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 262 and Dave Ramsey's plan

Well, unless you're an ostrich and stick your head in the sand (which is what I like to do, LOL), you've heard about the governments proposed multi-billion $ bailout. Dave Ramsey has proposed an alternative to this on his website:, if the link doesn't work, it's also in my favorite links at the bottom of the page. When you get to his page, click on the "common sense fix" to read. Anyway, I know next to nothing about the economy or the stock market or anything, but his ideas seem fairly reasonable.

I'm in the middle of writing a 6 page rough draft of one of my final papers and so I better get back to it before kids start getting up. After this I have another 6 page rough draft to work on and I'll be done with homework for this unit.

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