Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A week of good-byes

This is a week of good-byes.

It started Sunday night when I had to say good-bye to a couple in our church that are missionaries. They are leaving to do some traveling before they head back to Brazil. They've been here on furlough since last summer. I feel like I've grown really close to the wife and just really enjoy spending time with both of them. So, I was crying my eyes out Sunday night.

Then yesterday, Natasha left to go back to college. It was great having her home, but I know she was ready to go back and I think Tom and I were ready to have our empty nest again. LOL. But I cried anyway.

And Friday will be the last day for one of my kids. Since he doesn't live here in town, chances are I won't see him a whole lot after this. So I know that Friday's going to be a very hard day for me. It's always hard when a child leaves. I guess I wouldn't be good at my job if I didn't get so attached to them, right?

So, if you see my crying this week, you'll know why! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's ok to cry! Goodbyes are hard!