Sunday, February 19, 2012


A friend and I went to Tulsa to a child care conference this weekend. We left Friday evening and spent the night, then went to the conference yesterday. It had been more than a year since I'd gone on an overnight trip for a child care conference and it was much needed and appreciated. I had a nasty cold last week and was really hoping that I would feel better so I could enjoy it. I felt so bad that I stayed home from a club meeting on Tuesday night. Now if you know me, you know how hard it is for me to stay home from a meeting, NO matter how bad I feel, so that gives you some insight into how I was feeling. Anyway, by Thursday I felt some better and by Friday I felt almost 100%. Yesterday and today, I feel great!

A bit of a brag on myself. 3 weeks ago tomorrow, I got up and started exercising. For the last 3 weeks, I've exercised 6 days a week, taking only one weekend day off. Even this past week when I was so sick, I got up and exercised each day. It was hard, but somehow I managed it.

We had our second Financial Peace University class last week, the third one (the budget one) is tonight. Something I've been thinking about alot since the first week is something Dave says: "It is as you will it". Now obviously, not everything is going to work out perfectly all the time, but I think if we can really believe that we can do this, we really can. Or God can do it through us.

Hopefully this week I will do better at updating this blog. I have some ideas for posts that I want to do, so I'm going to do my best!

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