Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2 years & Days 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, & 76 and so tired!

I have been so tired lately! It started around when the time changed and I lost an hour and I wasn't sleeping well. I'm still not sleeping well and just cannot seem to get caught up. I've been in bed before 10:00 every night the last few nights. Anyway, I'm hoping that since I'm off this Friday and can sleep in this coming Saturday, maybe I'll be able to get a little bit caught up!

Tom has surgery on his shoulder next Monday. Please keep him in your prayers. It is the surgery we were hoping for (the one with less recovery time), but any surgery is a bit scary.


Di said...

I know what you mean. I am so exhausted, and things at work are not slowing down at all. I guess that is good, but being on my feet all day is about to kill me. I am glad Tom is having the " better" surgery, But I am sorry he has to have it at all. Keep me posted on his condition.

KiddoKare1 said...

I will. Did he ever call or e-mail you to tell you that he was having surgery next week? I've been reminding him since Monday to tell you.

Di said...

Nope, I just found out when I read it on your blog......