Thursday, December 10, 2009

Days 706 & 707 and GRADUATION

My graduation ceremony is this Saturday. Tom & I will be leaving as soon as I'm done working tomorrow and spending the weekend down there. I am super excited, both about the ceremony and about a romantic weekend with my sweetheart.

I probably won't post again until Monday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 705 and club Christmas party tonight

Tonight is the club Christmas party. I am really looking forward to it, especially to getting out and spending time with friends and laughing. I need LOTS of laughing tonight.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Days 701, 702, 703, & 704 and well...sorry

Well guys, I"m really slacking off lately. I guess since I'm done with school that I am not spending near as much time on the computer and it's harder to demand my time because I can't use the "I have homework to do" excuse. LOL. At any rate, I've done some reading of several fiction books which has been wonderful. Tonight Tom's work had a Christmas dinner. It was nice but sadly Tom didn't win any of the drawings.